Thursday, January 14, 2021

Beginnings Week 1 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks. The Tractor

 Week 1 52 Ancestors in 52 weeks. "Beginnings"

My Brother in law Keith wrote us a letter last week. Yes a real pen and paper letter, we do get one once in a while mostly from my wife's side of the family. Keith wrote that he has been among other things getting over Covid by watching videos from a you tube channel of a farmer who lives in upstate New York. He mentions how the tractors used in a video are the same as his father Sam used over his lifetime. The video is titled 'the old farmalls go head-to-head pulling the manure spreaderF-20,H,10-20. Which will win?" I have included a link to the vidoe at the bottom.

Keith: " I'm not sure if Dad ever worked with an F-20, but he did tell me at the McClouth Threshing Bee, about 40 years ago, that the first tractorhe ever drove was a 10-20. So you can see two of the tractors Dad spent hours on in action, the H and the 10-20. The tractor the farmer in the video uses to load the manure is a 504, which looks similiar to a 656, which Dad finished with". 

The farmer whose name is Pete mentions the 10-20 was a 1924 model. Sam was born in 1920 and I am pretty sure they still had some mules or horses to use, so I am guessing it was somewher arond 1930-32 when he learned to drive one like it.

Heres a photo of a 1924 McCormick-Deering Tractor like the one in the video.

Parts manual for the tractor. You can actually still buy parts on ebay!

1924 McCormick Deering 10-20 that has been restored.

In 1925 The Miller's farmed near Easton  in Leavenwoth County. San was listed in the 1925 Kansas Census as 4. 

Sam and Helen Early 1950s

Farmall H Tractor

June 1959

Mid 1960s

Millers 1978

Farmall 504 Tractor. According to Keith this was similar to the last tractor used before he retired. I was at his farm sale when he retired and remember people bidiing on a tractor like this. 

Andrew and Elizabeth Miller Kansas Pioneers

  Andrew and Elizabeth Miller wedding photo 1884. Both were German immigrants. She spoke Flemish. She was 17 he was 22, they hitched up in K...