Week 1 52 Ancestors in 52 weeks. "Beginnings"
My Brother in law Keith wrote us a letter last week. Yes a real pen and paper letter, we do get one once in a while mostly from my wife's side of the family. Keith wrote that he has been among other things getting over Covid by watching videos from a you tube channel of a farmer who lives in upstate New York. He mentions how the tractors used in a video are the same as his father Sam used over his lifetime. The video is titled 'the old farmalls go head-to-head pulling the manure spreaderF-20,H,10-20. Which will win?" I have included a link to the vidoe at the bottom.
Keith: " I'm not sure if Dad ever worked with an F-20, but he did tell me at the McClouth Threshing Bee, about 40 years ago, that the first tractorhe ever drove was a 10-20. So you can see two of the tractors Dad spent hours on in action, the H and the 10-20. The tractor the farmer in the video uses to load the manure is a 504, which looks similiar to a 656, which Dad finished with".
The farmer whose name is Pete mentions the 10-20 was a 1924 model. Sam was born in 1920 and I am pretty sure they still had some mules or horses to use, so I am guessing it was somewher arond 1930-32 when he learned to drive one like it.
Heres a photo of a 1924 McCormick-Deering Tractor like the one in the video.Parts manual for the tractor. You can actually still buy parts on ebay!
1924 McCormick Deering 10-20 that has been restored.
In 1925 The Miller's farmed near Easton in Leavenwoth County. San was listed in the 1925 Kansas Census as 4.